This Daughter Teaches Her Father How To Read And Write

Written by Sean General

July 1, 2022

Is it too late to learn something new, including reading and writing?

Not for Lucy Flores and her dad, Luciano.

Lucy, a head preschool teacher, was teaching her students how to read and write. When her pupils were reading there “ABCs”, she realized that she could teach her dad to read and write too.

Her dad, Luciano Flores, left school at very young age to work to make ends meet. He never had the opportunity to have his basic education. He is not alone. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of adults in the USA read below a sixth grade level. So Lucy is taking her dad on a journey to literacy and a better education. Her follower in TikTok are even giving her new teaching strategies to help her dad grow.


Follow her journey with her dad in her Tiktok: @floresfamily_25

Credit: Now This

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