Wellness Journal

Coping With Grief

Coping With Grief

My Journey Through Grief: Finding Happiness After My Mom's Passing November 27, 2023. This was the day that shook my world. My dear mom passed away. I was never the same again – for better or worse.  Coping with grief while striving to have a “normal life” was a...

How Can You Achieve Happiness? Start With A Positive Attitude

How Can You Achieve Happiness? Start With A Positive Attitude

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “Why can’t I find happiness?” I had a mental meltdown. As I worked at home, I felt overburdened in balancing my work, chores, and family life - all in the same house. I felt like I was running in circles. Each accomplished...

Begin Your Day With God (Video and Transcript)

Begin Your Day With God (Video and Transcript)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IJLvgF8vEI Note: This post is a transcript and photo essay "Begin Your Day With God" by Above Inspiration. The first thing you want to take care of every day: LORD bless me. Why? So you can be a blessing. Keep me from the evil of the...

True Love: How to Give It and Receive It

True Love: How to Give It and Receive It

Love is a confusing word. What do you really mean when you say, “I love you?” You can love pizza. And you can love your spouse or partner. Certainly, your love for pizza is not the same love as for your partner. Your love for pizza is an expression on how much you...

How to Find Peace of Mind and Real Happiness

How to Find Peace of Mind and Real Happiness

This essay is a based on Timothy Keller’s sermon The Search for Happiness: Modern Problems, Ancient Solutions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuLlePKzNQA&t=5s The Renaissance period trained us to think that human reason, and empirical investigation will solve all...

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