“A Poem for All Entrepreneurs” by Richard Branson

Happiness - Poem For Entrepreneurs - Richard Branson - Feature

Written by Sean General

December 28, 2022

Dreaming of building your business or improving our world? 

Serial entrepreneur Richard Branson wrote a poem, “A Poem for All Entrepreneurs” to inspire you to build your dreams and fight the good fight.

The road to success is paved with tests,
So you’ve got to believe in yourself above the rest.

AdrianMartinus Design co-founders Adrian Pool (top photo, left) and Martinus Pool (top photo, right) transform broken skateboards into beautiful and sturdy furniture. Photo Source: AdrianMartinus Design

Dream big, and let your passion shine,
If you don’t, you won’t end up with a dime.

Oyo Rooms founder Ritesh Agarwal built India’s largest branded network of budget hotels at age 23. Photo Source: Forbes India

Challenge the status quo, disrupt the market and say YES!
And remember that innovation is an endless quest.

Canva founders Melanie Perkins , Cliff Obrecht, and Cameron Adams (Right) made graphic design accessible and easy for small business owners and marketers to make their own ads and videos. Photo Source: BBC

Don’t forget to change business for good,
If you want to change the world then you should.

PHILIPPINES – Gawad Kalinga founder Tony Meloto (2nd row, 3rd from left) restores the poor’s dignity by building community homes, incubating Social Enterprises, and educating scholars for Agribusiness. Photo Source: Uni Pro

If you think with your head and listen to your heart,
I promise you’ll get off to a flying start.

Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group, China’s largest e-commerce firm Alibaba Group, performs Tai Chi. Photo Source: China Daily

Make bold moves, but always play fair,
Always say please and thank you – it’s cool to care.

Bobbi Brown Cosmetics founder and COO Bobbi Brown believes that makeup should enhance all women’s natural beauty and confidence, not hide their flaws and insecurities. Photo Source: The Beauty Informer

Do what you love and love what you do,
This advice is nothing new.

Award-winning artist Nathan Sawaya creates awe-inspiring sculptures from LEGO® bricks. His large-scale works are on a global tour, “The Art of the Brick”. Photo Source: Daily Motion

Now, stop worrying about whether your business will be a hit,
Rise to the challenge and say ‘screw it, let’s do it!

Virgin Galactic, Richard Brason’s most daring venture, is developing commercial space travel. Passengers orbit the earth and experience weightlessness while traveling. Photo Source: Time

Entrepreneurship is no walk in the park. All entrepreneurs will face many physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial challenges.

No matter which stage you are in your journey, we wish you the best in your endeavors.

Let’s Share Happiness!

Feature Photo: NYCM Insurance Blog

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