Welcome to SDGchannel! Relax in our Island paradise.
Among a sea of tragedies, pessimists, and obligations, SDGchannel is an island paradise for your mind to relax. Like cold coconut water, our inspirational videos, photos, and stories will refresh your mind before, during, and after your daily grind. Have some food for thought on our buffet table. Our menu includes visual stories, questions, quotes, and ideas that will inspire and challenge you to accomplish your dreams. Have a quick vacation at SDGchannel!
Our Vision: Let’s share a world full of smiles.
We envision a world full of smiles. This is a world where men and women, regardless of nationality and religious beliefs, live in harmony with each other and with Mother Nature. We live in a global community where each person shares triumphs, happiness, and laughter. Meanwhile, Mother Nature smiles back at us as we protect all her plants and animals.
Our Mission: Community Happiness, Impact (CHI).
In traditional Chinese, Chi is the life force of all plants, animals, including humans. Chi Gong is an ancient Chinese art of balancing and strengthening one’s life force. As Chi Gong is used for one’s life force, SDGchannel uses our CHI to build and strengthen relationships among friends, family, community, and Mother Nature.
Through SDGchannel, we share inspiring content on personal happiness, community development, and impactful projects for society and culture. We hope to inspire you, our brilliant viewers and readers, to reach for your aspirations and achieve your dreams by sharing your CHI with others and SDGchannel.

Aristeo T. Tengco
Editor-In-Chief & Director

Sean A. General
Associate Editor | Associate Producer